7 Natural Painkillers

Whilst over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin can be effective forms of pain relief, regular use can have negative side effects such as intestinal damage and liver failure. As a result, many people like to complement these pain killers with natural forms of pain relief. Here are just a few natural painkillers that could be worth trying.


Ginger has strong anti-inflammatory properties and it has been used to fight pain for centuries. It is one of the most common forms of natural relief against stomach aches and can also be used to help pain caused by joint conditions such as arthritis. There are lots of ways to consume ginger including drinking ginger tea, mixing it into a stir fry or blending it into a soup – it’s a tasty and versatile food.


Turmeric is a root vegetable that is related to ginger with similar anti-inflammatory qualities. It’s commonly used to treat skeletal and muscular aches and is consumed as an edible powder. Most people add turmeric to hot water and consume it as a drink, however it can be added to many foods as a seasoning. It’s a common ingredient in many curries and can be used in soups as well as being sprinkled over scrambled egg.

Willow bark

Willow bark is a key ingredient of many medicines and has a similar effect to aspirin. In its raw form, it is an effective remedy against migraines and menstrual cramps. Willow bark cannot be eaten and is best consumed infused in hot water as a tea. You can buy dried willow bark in many herbal pharmacies.

Devil’s claw

Devil’s claw is a plant with strong anti-inflammatory properties – it gets its name from its claw-like appearance. Many people take devil’s claw to treat arthritic pain, but it can also be used to relieve migraines. A common way to take devil’s claw is via a serum or cream that is applied to the skin, however it can also be taken as pills or infused with tea.

Capsaicin is the ingredient within chili peppers that gives them their spiciness. When applied as a cream, capsaicin can have numbing properties against muscular aches and joint pain. Capsaicin is not something you want to consume orally given that it is pure spice – when applying it with your hands, you should wash them thoroughly after wards as touching your mouth or eyes after wards could be very painful.


Cannabis is used to treat all kinds of chronic pain and has strong numbing properties. In many locations, it can only be consumed as an oil, however some countries and states have legalized it to be taken in other forms such as smoking it and infusing it into foods. Due to its psychoactive properties, cannabis should be used with caution.


Kratom is a plant that can also numb pain. It is commonly taken as a powder infused with water like a tea and is best consumed on an empty stomach. Like cannabis, kratom has psychoactive side effects and it’s usage has been banned in some countries and states around the world.  

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